Photography ⸺ Another Look At Life

Philip Van Avermaet


Looking at life through a lens, a different view

Having a look through a lens will not change the reality, but it will give you the chance to see different, hidden things…

More to come soon

Night Photography

The power of Darkness

The beauty of the Night

City Travel

Discovering new places

Open your eyes

Discover the world

You only live once…

Creating places that enhance the human experience.

  • Pellentesque quis dolor interdum
  • Aenean tincidunt non lorem tristique
  • Duis gravida mauris felie eget posuere
  • Nam gravida nulla eget turpis commodo

We design comfortable spaces for the minimalist.

Proin enim augue, suscipit sit amet risus in, placerat posuere elit. Morbi vitae est magna. Nulla tempus dui quis tincidunt porttitor etiam eu arcu a urna.

* Vivamus eros risus, pulvinar vel malesuada eget, feugiat at quam. Sed non nulla sed turpis.